Thursday, April 24, 2008

Holy Day

Today was the first day that Chris got to see what riding anecdotes were all about. We headed out for a quick 25, just to get a decent amount of miles in for the week. First things first, we are cruising up this hill in Carmel, this guy riding right in front of us, practically falling over. He stops near the crest of the hill and lights up... hacking away. We head south, hoping on the trail for a bit, and just as we head into the woods, three Hassidim men dressed to the nines on an 80 deg day on bikes way too small were headed up the trail with the biggest smiles on their faces. These three made my day because they were so pleasant. Most people on the trail seem uninterested in saying anything, or even smiling for that matter. Next we encounter a guy running who greeted us like he hadn't seen us in days, we didn't know him, he was just cheering us on. Then, we rescued a turtle who had decided the middle of the pavement was the best sun, he was right, but the mother in me couldn't seem to allow the playing in traffic to continue. Back on the road we find more cheers (were we wearing signs broadcasting the reason for our training?) A quick stop at Fratellis to order pizza and a race home thinking I'd have to get the car and head out to pick up dinner...Mikey to the rescue.
All in all this was a beautiful ride!

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