Monday, April 28, 2008

The rain woman is back!

Two years ago I spent hours training in the rain, not by choice but by circumstance and I was not exactly a happy cyclist that year, but at the end of the season I knew why I was blessed with a wet training season

Today, however, it was a different story, I decided that I had a training schedule I didn't want alter as it would cause me too much stress. This is supposed to be fun right? So, I go home and decided to ride despite the deluge. It wasn't thundering and it wasn't cold. Where have i heard that before? Oh yeah, the story I alluded to above. Ok, I have to say that I even think that I am nuts.

Anyway, enough of that - I LOVED MY RIDE TODAY. It wasn't very long, 45 minutes (10' W/U, 30' of hill attacks, 5' cool down).
There is a certain peacefulness that comes with a rainy day ride, the colors, the smell, the sound and feel of the rain...

The hardest part was wiping the bike down afterwards and thats just because I was in wet clothing.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Holy Day

Today was the first day that Chris got to see what riding anecdotes were all about. We headed out for a quick 25, just to get a decent amount of miles in for the week. First things first, we are cruising up this hill in Carmel, this guy riding right in front of us, practically falling over. He stops near the crest of the hill and lights up... hacking away. We head south, hoping on the trail for a bit, and just as we head into the woods, three Hassidim men dressed to the nines on an 80 deg day on bikes way too small were headed up the trail with the biggest smiles on their faces. These three made my day because they were so pleasant. Most people on the trail seem uninterested in saying anything, or even smiling for that matter. Next we encounter a guy running who greeted us like he hadn't seen us in days, we didn't know him, he was just cheering us on. Then, we rescued a turtle who had decided the middle of the pavement was the best sun, he was right, but the mother in me couldn't seem to allow the playing in traffic to continue. Back on the road we find more cheers (were we wearing signs broadcasting the reason for our training?) A quick stop at Fratellis to order pizza and a race home thinking I'd have to get the car and head out to pick up dinner...Mikey to the rescue.
All in all this was a beautiful ride!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

sinus infection looming...

I forgot what it feels like to train despite feeling under the weather. I knocked off about 15 miles yesterday, uneventful other than having to chase Grizzy around. He was so spent from his first big ride Sunday on top of a threshold workout in track Monday. It was a grand opportunity to talk about over-training in his case. His season in track ends late may, so until then we are going to keep the volume low and the intensity moderately low.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

over the river and through the woods...

A perfectly cloudy damp day, but no rain, and we head to G-Mas for a sader (50 Miles). She lives in the Bronx, and we head there by bike. Chris and I had decided to ride to dinner down the path, thinking that the path was complete and learning on the ride that it would be an adventure due to the fact that there were more than a few detours. In Elmsford, we have to head out to 9A for about 1/2 mile, in which time a tractor trailer gets a flat in front of me. Waiting for the shower of tire that never materialized was nerve-wracking. Chris encountered the second two reasons you fall while clipped in- so he is up to par- falling at a light because you think you have time and realize you don't but you can't unclip fast, and the oh I forgot my feet were attached to my pedals at a stop sign on a steep hill. The trail abruptly ended in Yonkers around Mile Square Rd. We headed up the hill on Mile Sq, got to Yonkers Ave and found the path again, but couldn't find the way to get to it, we inquired at the gas station, the hot sheet hotel, and rode up the hill to Dunwoodie, only to realize that we just needed to carry the bikes up the stairs by the bridge. We find our way and we are sailing... and the path runs out of pavement near McClean Ave, now we are riding through the woods on a dirt path. I admit I wasn't quite sure where we were going, but knew we were inthe relative area. I could see Tracy Towers off in the distance to the left and the Riverdale to the right, so as long as the two were in that orientation, I knew we would find our way. We eventually found ourselves on Broadway and 242, 10 minutes and a few hills later we are in at G-Mas. Bring on the MATZA!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


TO answer how my rides have been going... Thursday, it was spectacular- we chased down this guy that seemed to
have that an "all that" shake them off attitude. One look at me an I am sure that he was sure he would not see us again... hah!!! 23 MPH and I cruzed by him as if he was standing still. Chris was on my tail - ok I can take my son on the flats almost any day of the week- We raced by this guy and I drop something so I tell Chris I'll meet him up ahead. I stop to retrieve but couldn't find... so f### it I head off chasing, catch both of them ... Chris smiled... the guy, who was buried by the fat chick, then by the kid, stopped to see if we were going on from where we were parked. I think we must have made his ride, at the very least, more interesting! Friday, I was off by myself. 20 fast miles (little over and hour- saw a hawk swoop down and catch a mouse in front of me, had an insect land on my tongue and start to crawl...eewwwe, and I managed to be cut off and almost killed by a neighbor (man you'd think that by now - 10 years later, that they would be used to seeing me on my bike....). Anyway, funeral today in PA. Tomorrow we are riding to SADER, a solid 50 miles away.