Monday, August 1, 2011


We left Salt Lake City two days ago and headed for Yellowstone. We took the scenic byway (route 89) through Bear Lake, Logan, and the Cache ( a few trucks as well as granny and her RV did too). What should have taken just over 6 hours according to my GPS took forever. We got into Jackson, WY around dinner and decided, since it was a bit wet to stay put. Despite this being a setback, we enjoyed ourselves.  We hit Snake River brewing for dinner and walked around town. Kenny and I then dropped Chris back at the hotel and went out on a date to the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar.

When I was 8 my mom took my brother and I too see a horror flick (quite accidentally) called Grizzly. I think she thought it was a documentary and we were so into the series Grizzly Adams. I am guessing that that was a formative experience because since I have been old enough to do things on my own I have had a heart stopping petrifying fear of Grizzlies. I had planned on camping in Yellowstone to get over that a bit and was nervous all day. I was incredibly relieved yet quite disappointed just the same when we decided to hotel it.

Yesterday morning I hit the road on my bike at 6AM which was probably a stupid idea, but I just had to get my legs moving. Believe me if a mouse made a noise on that ride I would have jumped out of my skin. I rode up to Teton NP and turned around. It was only a 12 mile ride. I was on the road at first and then realized there was this path that followed the road and hopped on there to avoid the RV traffic. After a few minutes I was too nervous about surprising an animal that I hoped back on the road. My one incredible moment was cresting this hill to have an incredible view of the Tetons. By the way, it was cold enough in the mountains to NEED a jacket. Morning riding temp? 38 degrees.

After an incredible breakfast we were off to Grand Teton then Yellowstone. In Teton my fear got the better of me but by the time we were in Yellowstone I had relaxed a bit and was able to enjoy myself and the interesting diversity the park had to offer. Our trip through the park took all day. We walked about 5 miles to see numerous thermal features. We actually didn't see ANY wildlife until after 5PM. at 8PM we finally headed toward Cody, WY through the Sylvan Pass which was still very snow covered. We arrived in Cody, found a motel, and went off to have dinner at this Saloon. Kenny and I ordered a plate of Rocky Mtn oysters for the table and a Red Lodge IPA (a Montana brewery).

This morning? We are SD bound! Pictures coming soon (FB has quite a few!)

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