Thursday, January 10, 2008

Its all about balance

I found myself talking about balance at Tuesday's practice, mostly because it was one of those things that the world (NY Times and Stamford Advocate)seemed to focus on in the papers that day. I got to thinking about how true that is, Balance is key, and as we age, we loose quite abit of the ability to keep it, both literally and figuratively. Stress seems to be a key component in its loss.

I managed to stick to my workout goals so far this week. I skated, ran, and swam. I also managed my nutrition pretty well. I have started to notice a difference in the way things fit, and I am falling in love with that feeling again. Starting to feel the need to push beyond limits all while reframing negatives. This New Years resolution to find happiness in the true sense of the word is exhausting but exhilirating just the same.

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